DRB Development Solutions provides third-party project analysis and advisory services. On behalf of lenders, equity investors, builders, and developers, who have an interest in challenged or distressed residential, commercial and mixed-use.
A definitive implementation plan is created for each asset including the necessary steps to be taken to achieve the project goals.
Turnarounds require a quick assessment of a project status including, but not limited to:
The foundation for DRB’s ability to achieve significant results is derived from their successful program management projects and their forensic work on problem projects during dispute resolution.
DRB, working with the owner(s), will quickly establish the client’s objectives and a plan for achieving those directives. Utilizing that plan, DRB will guide the owner(s) team of consultants and contractors to the desired results or provides replacement members who can achieve the plan.
While hurricanes, windstorms, rainstorms and other inclement weather can be anticipated year after year, no one can predict their timing, location or magnitude. Despite the best disaster preparations, recovery plans, and insurance, many owners and operators suffer from significant losses due to weather extremes.
With a multi-disciplinary staff of architects, engineers and construction professionals, DRB Development Solutions will immediately assist clients to control disaster damage and provide emergency repairs to stabilize building systems and allow continued use of non-affected areas.
Our professional staff inspects the property to identify and assess any observable damage as well as any hidden or latent problems. We provide:
Results of the investigation are contained in a bound report that may serve as the basis for an insurance claim. The cost for our services is recoverable as an expense in damage settlements.
Once the remediation, repair and replacement plan is finalized, we will assist with procurement of all design and construction services. Serving as project managers, DRB Development Solutions provides: